Download OpenPaths 2025 v24.00.00.9

OpenPaths combines multimodal transportation network modeling and modern travel demand forecasting capabilities to offer the most comprehensive transportation modeling platform for strategic and operational transportation planning. Generational changes in travel behavior, mobility services, and technology challenge every decision.

Download OpenPaths 2025 v24.00.00.9

You need the ability to build models that represent your city or region, including multimodal networks, travel demand, and operational data, to successfully inform 21st century planning initiatives faster and more accurately than ever before. Transportation professionals around the world, including metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), departments of transportation (DOTs), transit agencies, toll road operators, mobility service providers, and transportation consultants, rely on OpenPaths mobility simulation software to understand people’s movements at the city, metropolitan, regional, and national levels.


Are you looking for a secure and private way to track your location? OpenPaths is the ultimate solution for individuals who want to log their location data while maintaining full control and privacy. Unlike many commercial apps that collect and sell your location data, OpenPaths ensures your information stays with you and can only be accessed by you.

Features and Features of STM32CubeMX:

  • Build a model based on key inputs such as population, demand, and network data.
  • Apply virtually any travel demand model structure without the high cost of new software.
  • Reduce time and effort to develop a new travel model, regardless of model structure (travel-based, tour-based, activity-based).
  • Easily adapt or update existing models with included and comprehensive support for ABM and advanced travel demand modeling.
  • Leverage all sources of mobility data in the modeling process, including big data.
  • Use machine learning (ML) to eliminate costly trial-and-error approaches to model calibration and improve response times for more agile modeling.
  • Support operational traffic planning applications more consistently with simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment.


System required

Microsoft Windows 11, 10, Server 2022, Server 2019 or Server 2016 64-bit.
Minimum disk space
Installation of all OpenPaths applications requires 8GB of disk space:

  • OpenPaths EMME – 3.5 GB
  • OpenPaths CUBE – 2.5 GB
  • OpenPaths DYNAMEQ – 1 GB
  • OpenPaths CityPhi – 1 GB


  • A minimum of 16 GB of RAM is recommended


  • Use of the 3D rendering and animation functions requires OpenGL 4.0 support.

Reference Systems.

OpenPaths applications provide high-performance scientific, graphical, and interactive computing capabilities. Some capabilities make use of high-performance computers (CPUs) and dedicated graphics processors (GPUs). Requirements vary depending on the application. The reference systems below provide example guidelines:
Basic system example

  • Intel Core i5 or i7 CPU, base clock of 2.3 GHz or higher
  • 6 cores/12 threads or more
  • 16 GB RAM or more
  • NVIDIA RTX 3050, AMD Radeon, Intel Xe or Intel integrated graphics (non-graphics workloads)

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